Mexico- Manzanillo y Shootingstars


Today (13.12.17) I had to wake up early again because I had school. As I still didn’t feel that good it was a bit annoying and I was actually just sitting there doing nothing and tried to concentrate at least a little bit. We are still learning all the tenses and it is so hard to follow it and to not get confused by all the endings and forms.. But well somehow I kind of remember them.


In the big lunchbreak I had some food and talked with josh. Then I had lessons again and I got to know the topic of the week… We had to make a presentation in the end of the week aboiut one of the states in Mexico.. Great!! I was so not in the mood for this..


The rest of the day I spent in bed.. I didn’t feel that good and was very tired so yeah.. my day wasn’t that special.



Thursday.. (14.12.17), of course today I had school again. It was basically the same as the day before.. we had to write texts, talk about what we had done the day before and learnt new vocabular and grammar. After the lunch break we had to hours of conversation again and then I was happy when school finally finished.


Afterwards I got my laptop and some stuff to write and wanted to prepare the presentation for tomorrow. But Victor came and started a conversation so my “being motivated to prepare a presentation” kind of failed…


At 3.30pm I went to Maren and her me and Chris who is also living in the family went to one of the beaches. On the right side of the playa principal which is the main beach of la Punta (but its not really nice to swim there because of all the fishing boats) are three bays with nice beaches. We went to the first one called Playa Manzanillo. We had to walk for about 12 minutes which isn’t long but it always feels like ages, especially with the heat…


First we had to pass some houses and then we reached some stairs. From there one already had a nice view over a part of the beach. A woman started talking to us and offered us three loungers in front of her restaurant which was perfect. In my opinion the bay looked artificial, it was so beautiful and there were only a few people. We ordered coconuts and enjoyed the sun. Unluckily the cocnut wasn’t cold and tasted a bit of orange haha but still it was my first one in mexico and I liked it.

After a while me and Maren walked along the beach and did some videos and we had a lot of fun. Sometimes I feel a bit sorry for Christian because he has to listen to all the girly talk haha but maybe at least he learns something...    

When the sun was going down we walked up all stairs again, and the view was soo beautiful. Then we walked back to the house. There I had to do my presentation. Luckily Maren speaks Spanish fluently and helped me. Even if her host brothers were a bit of a distraction haha.


As there was a night with lots of shooting stars we decided to watch them on the balcony of Marens house. Therefore we went out and bought some beer. We bought four bottles of 1.5 litres haha.. Maren planned to get drunk today as we hadn’t been going out in Mexico yet and she missed it. At first we couldn’t find a shop which still had beer and we had to walk all the way to the Oxxo near the school, which is a bit scary at night haha. But there we finally found it and as it was near the school I decided to quickly go there, shower and get some warmer cloths. Then we walked back to the house and chilled all together with one of the host brothers called Bryan on the balcony. Chris left fter 20minutes because ehe didn’t feel well…


It took a while until we saw some shootingstars because it was quite cloudy, unluckily  But it was still nice sitting together and talking. Of course Maren and Bryn talked in Spanish so I couldn’t really join the conversation haha but I listened to it and actually understood a lot and I think it was quite a good practice. I was very tired anyways so for me it was fine to just listen and look into the stars. In total I saw 5 shooting stars which was quite cool. At some point Maren was a bit drunk and was only laughing and laughing anymore and I was quite tired so I decided to go home. First I thought of taking a taxi because obviously I didn’t want to go on my own with my laptop and phone, money etc… but then Bryan offered to walk me back to school and of course I didn’t say no to that. So we three walked there, said goodnight and I went sleeping… To be honest I was already so not in the mood for school the next day even if I haven’t been drunk, but I already knew I would be fucking tired....

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