Nepal- first day

Again it's already past 9 and I'm quite tired.

Today I spent the whole day with the kids which was very nice. 

First of all I missed my alarm... I do not really know why my phone didn't work but yeah I got up way too late 😂. 

When I finally went upstairs the kids were already revising and doing their homework. So I just joined and helped them. 

Their way of revising and learning is a little bit different to Germany...

They are just learning everything out by heart or copying things even if they do not really understand the content. So at first I was a little bit confused...

Imagine: 12 children sitting in the living room reading out their revision stuff quite loudly .. .. how can one revise like this? It's sooo noisy !

If I would be them I wouldn't be able to concentrate  a second... 

And I think often this happens to the children as well. Some of them need ages to finish their homework. And it's quite hard to get them motivated again without "shouting" or acting angry. Because I think by talking in a rough tone or something like that the kids will even become more unmotivated.


So after revision we played some games and the girls showed me their dances. They are actually quite good in dancing and next week (after exam) they will also teach me some of it.


Then we had lunch....

It was absolutely the first time I ate rice and chicken just with the hands. It's quite weird and to be honest believe it or not  it isn't that easy haha. 


Some of the kids spent the next few hours with watching television, others started playing games again and some did their homework. 

I left the orphanage because I wanted to get some money and a SIM card...

Unluckily my credit card and my normal maestro card didn't work (I think I went to 10 different cash machines) .... so no money no SIM card... quite annoying!!! 


Back at the orphanage we drew sooo much, the kids really love drawing and they are very good in it. And the cutest thing ever..... !! They drew a lot of cards and pictures and gave them to me as a present. 

I really think they are happy that I'm here and actually I'm getting along with them quite well. 😊 so all my worries are almost gone expect of the one about teaching 😂.


After dinner (rice and potatoes) I talked a lot with the kids. Well at least I tried... sometimes it is quite hard to understand them because they either talk fast and not clear or their tense and grammar is wrong or they pronounce words completely differently 😅 I think I will need some days to get used to it. 

Still, the kids are sooo lovely 💕


Okay this day was quite long... 


I'm gonna sleep 

Good night xx

By Sonu
By Sonu
By Sonu
By Sonu

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