Nepal- school in Kathamndu

Today I was sooo tired.
In total I got 2h sleep....
At first I was awake quite long until 2, I just couldn't sleep...
Then I finally fell asleep, but at 4 o'clock somebody was knocking against the window...
It was one of the kids. Apparently I had pressed a button which stopped the water.
But to understand this, first of all I think I have to explain were my room is located in the house etc.
Okay there are two entrances. One door leads to the stairs into the first floor. There is the kitchen, the living room and the room of the boys. On the second floor is the girls' s room.
The other door leads into the basement. There one can find an office, the laundry room, some sofas and my room with a bath. The thing with the door is, that you can either lock it from inside or outside. So when I go to bed I always lock it from inside so no one can open it. 
In the basement there are thousands of light switches (ok it only seems to me as if there would be thousand because there are just sooo many...). But actually non of them really work. I had no idea which one would turn off the lights, so I just pressed all of them...
Unluckily I turned off the water as well...

So when they were knocking on my window I had to get up (half asleep) because I had to open the door...  At first I had no idea what they were talking about...  I was sooo confused 😂
But well let them in so they could turn on the water again.  After that I couldn't really sleep anymore...

At 7 I went upstairs to help the children with their revision and had breakfast ( this time muesli).

After that went to school and I stayed at the same class as the day before. Luckily this time I didn't have to teach ( I was so tired anyways so I was not angry about this at all) .
I just watched the teachers and had to draw some lines in the kid's exercise books.
The way of teaching is sooo different to ours.
The teacher e.g says "open the book on page 45" then he is reading out a word or sentence "the opposite of tall is short" "what is the opposite of tall?" And then all students answer (shouting) " the opposite of tall is short" "S-H-O-R-T short"
Then they have to spell it and say it 5 times. If someone is saying it too quiet or wrong the teacher hits the kid. Then they also have to come to the front and spell and say the words. If they don't know it or say it wrong they have to stay in the front. In the end (after everyone had said it) they have to try it a second time, if it is wrong again the teacher hits them several times and they have to stand outside of the classroom.... I felt so sorry for these little cute children 🙈.

After school my day went by as the others as well... revision, homework, dinner and sleep 😊

Actually I wanted to show you a picture of the classroom but the internet is too bad... So I will do this an other day 😊

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