Nepal- Exam day

Finally last night I got a little bit more sleep.
After the daily "morning-routine" we went to school and today the kids had their first exam of the week.
I don't know how the exam went on in the other classes but in the class I stayed in I really did not get why they were calling it an exam....
First of all the teacher repeated almost all the questions of the exam before it started.
And in comparison to Germany where no one would be allowed to talk to each other or copy or ask the teacher questions aboit the exam, everything was the complete opposite.
The kids copied from each other, talked with each other and asked the teacher for the solution... and I was really surprised when she actually told them the right words and the spelling... I mean what is the purpose of an exam when the solutions are given and everyone copies? 🤣
Also I realized that the questions in the exams where exact the same exercises as in the book. But still, the kids almost didn't know anything, even if they were always repeating it all over again and again and again in class...Well for me it was just weird....

After school I just revised with the kids.
While revising the mother of the two year old girl suddenly started crying so much and everyone ran into her room.
I have never seen that before and it was soo scary....
The girl (she had a little bit fever and her dad got her medicine )  rolled her eyes, so one could only see the white stuff, cried quite loud for one time and then she didn't move anymore. Her skin was completely pale and her eyes were open without blinking or moving or anything. Everyone was so shocked and actually at first I thought she was dead. So the father and the mother ran directly to the next doctor and I was left with the kids.
I think it has never been as quite as that before. I think everyone was really scared and concerned. For them she is like the baby in the family and everyone really loves her.
After a while they came back and luckily she was still alive but very weak.

So this was quite a shock for today...
After dinner I said goodnight to everybody
And now I'm here, lying in my bed, again about to sleep 😊💤

Good night xx

P.s today I learnt a little bit Nepali. The kids had to repeat the days of the week for ca half an hour and now I know them yeiii 😊 

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