Nepal- teatime and hairstyling

So yesterday actually nothing special happened. It was just the daily routine : revision, breakfast, school, lunch, revision, dinner, revision, bedtime. 

But today the kids didn't have to revise after school because tomorrow (saturday) is like weekend to them so they won't have school. 

After lunch we were just playing and taking pictures and it was quite funny. Somehow they really like doing my hair. Everyday one of them wants to braid it. 

And today they stole some flowers of a tree and tried to stick them into my hair 😂. 

In the afternoon I got invited to have some tea at Jarnadan's (the man who is also taking care of the orphanage) house which was quite nice. He can speak German very well and we had a nice time of talking. I also met his wife but she hardly speaks English so I didn't talk with her that much. 

And today was the first time that I haven't been as tired as the other days. I could finally sleep more than 4 hours 😂. The thing is that first of all one can hear everything through the walls and next to the house there are so many dogs which always start barking at night. And every night there is alao a baby crying all the time... it is so annoying and I can never sleep. And the other thing is that it's always so warm 😅. The thing is I don't really want to sleep without my blankets tho because I already have so many mosquito bites and they really annoy me. 

Today I also had really nice conversations with the kids. Some of them told me about their lifes before they came to the orphanage and these stories are really tough. But it was quite nice because normally they are always just joking and sometimes talking nonsense but today they were also talking about serious topics and I really liked it.

During the day there is never so much time to talk because they are always revising.  But at night I always go into their rooms to say good night and this is always so cute. 

First I go to the girls upstairs. With them I'm always either taking pictures, reading stories or we're just talking about normal girl's stuff. 

Afterwards I go to the boy's room. Somehow I always end up staying there quite long. There is always something  to talk about and they always want to show me sooo many things which they think are funny or impressive. And they always won't let me go haha.

Now the cute thing...

I think Magdalena, the volunteer before me, showed this to them. 

Everyone hugs me says "gute Nacht, Schlaf Gut, hab dich lieb, bis Morgen" (this always sounds sooo nice and cute 😍) and then they kiss me on the left and right side of the cheek and I also have to kiss them 🙈 so cute. 

So enough for now. 

Good night 


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