Nepal- not one of my best days

Today I went to a dance studio called "salsa dance academy" in Baluwater because as I already mentioned I really wanted to start doing some sport...

The studio is about 3 km away from the orphanage so I took the taxi which costed 300 NR. 

I really liked the dance studio, it's quite cute and the people there are also really nice. So I joined a zumba class which was sooo much fun and very exhausting.

During the dancing my stomach already started to hurt but I actually thought it was because I haven't done any sport for a while now and I hoped it would go away...

The classes are also really cheap. For one hour I paid 2 euros. And in my class there were only two other people so this was absolutely perfect 👍.

The way back I took the bus which was the first time 🙈. But it's actually not as scary as it looks like and in comparison to the taxi it is a lot cheaper. I paid 15 NR which are only 12 ct.

Of course it takes a little bit longer but this isn't much of a problem.

When I came back i showered and then I had something to eat. My stomach still hurt and after eating I also felt like throwing up...  

I decided to do the Me- time so I would have one hour more or less some rest.

Me-time means that one of the childs spend half an hour only with me apart from the others. And during this time they can do whatever they want... all of them actually just want to play games on the laptop or listen to music. I think it's quite good for the children because they are always together and never actually have time for their owns and they also really like it. 

So yeah I did 2 times Me time, hoping I would feel better... but I really didn't. 

In addition to stomach pain and feeling like throwing up I got the biggest headache ever...

And I really had no idea why beacause I actually always drink sooo much water...

So I got some rest until it was tea time.

Afterwards the girls wanted to dance so we practised a little bit. Well I wasn't actually dancing... I was just lying on the sofa, playing the music and feeling sick. After an hour I stopped it and went back into my room. I was feeling so weak and was also freezing... I just wanted to lie down. 

And suddenly I was also feeling so dizzy... it was so horrible.

So I was just sleeping until we had dinner. But I really couldn't eat anything so I just went back into my bed and now I will sleep again...

Sooo good night xxx

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