Nepal- Boudha

Today the kids had a holiday, so no school 👌. I got up a little bit later, had breakfast and watched some tv with the children.

Then I finally had a look at the rooftop of the house. There are actually two and it's so nice because one has actually a nice view. So I got my camera and wanted to take some pictures but well, I ended up showing the kids how to use the camera and in the end they were the one who took the photos.

I actually don't mind if they use my laptop or camera sometimes but as soon as I have these things with me everyone starts touching it and pressing everything and sometimes they just want to snatch it out of my hand. This really annoys me because these things are quite expensive but they do not really pay attention or be careful. And when I'm on my laptop I really get annoyed if everyone is always touching the screen because it is touchscreen.. argh i just really don't want it to be broken but they do not really understand this...

But well, I really liked the rooftop haha... back to the actual topic... 

After lunch I went to Boudha with two of the boys. We even managed to go by bus...👌 sometimes it is not that easy to find the right one because they are driving along the road and someone always shouts the names of the direction and then one has to wave so they stop... Obviously sometimes I do not really understand the names and places and I'm just kind of overwhelmed with all the people and vehicles and noise etc.

But yeah we made it to Boudha.

Boudha is famouse for it's big stupa and is also an important place of pilgrimage and meditation for Tibetan Buddhists and local Nepalis. 

We mainly went to Boudha to see the big stupa. 

A stupa is the place where the people go for meditation and praying. 

The shape of it represents the Buddha, crowned and sitting in meditation posture on a lion throne.

The Stupa was sooo nice and also quite big. We went around it and it is very impressive and absolutely worth it to visit. I really liked the atmosphere and again there were the colourful flags which I really really love. Well one thing I didn't like were the dogs... There were a lot of them and some seemed to be quite aggressive and this just really scared me. AND PIGEONS!!! Uuurgh I hate these birds !!!!

Me and the kids took a lot of pictures and I also met some people from Austria yeiii 😊

Haha there was a school class as well and all the boys wanted to take selfies with me ... this was so funny .. I felt like if I was back in China were every Chinese person took pictures of us 😅

The stupa was surrounded by lots of cafes and restaurant and we had something to drink in a cafe called Himalaya cafe. They had a rooftop as well with a nice view at the stupa. 

After visiting the stupa we went to a little park called "peace park". Basically one can find some statues and water there and it is actually really small but still nice. In the water there were a lot of goldfishes and the boys were so excited about them... I think we had a look at them for almost half an hour  😂🐟.

At 2 o clock we went to the "Himalayan java" cafe/restaurant to get something to eat. 

The restaurant isn't a typically Nepal one but more American. And the boys had no idea what to order because they have never eaten almost all of it before... 

So this was quite difficult and they changed their minds every 2 seconds 😅 I ordered a sandwich which turned out to be sooo big and was served with 

in the end each of the boys had a cake and my chips and half of my sandwich...

After finishing lunch we drove back to the orphanage. There I did one me time and we had tea and then I decided to join a dance class again.

Sagar waited for me which was quite nice and gave me a lift to the studio.

This was the first time I was riding a motorbycile (well we have this little cute scooter at home but this was something complete different). I was sooo scared 😂 first of all I didn't wear a helmet and second I was just thinking hooow should we survive the traffic? 

God this was scaaaarrry!!!!!!

But I survived and had a very exhausting dance lesson.

It ended at 7pm so it was already dark outside... scary again🤣

First I thought of taking a taxi because this would have been just more comfortable and not scary but when I went out of the studio a bus was just stopping in front of it so I decided to take it.

The thing was, that the bus was already more than full.... I have no idea how I still fit in. But I was standing directly in front of the open door and I literally feared to fall out of the bus. Not only because of the traffic but also because of the quality of the streets.. Sometimes there are huge wholes which make the whole bus shaking...

But again I survived 😉 and was so happy when I was back in the orphanage.

Now I'm really tired... this was a very nice and exciting day but also exhausting. 

Sooo good night xxx 

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