Nepal- last 3 days plus today

Okay so I really need to catch up writing about the last three days plus today.... And these days were just awesome so I'm warning you now... this entry is going to be quite long.

On Thursday the kids didn't have school. Actually I planned to go out with two of the girls but in the morning there was a lot of rain so I decided to delay it to Saturday. Of course the kids were quite disappointed but I really did not wanted to get wet and also walk through the muddy streets.
Today the little baby girl also turned three years old so we celebrated her bday. The baby had to sit in the middle of everyone and while singing happy bday one after another put Tika on her forehead and flowers on her hair. The parents also kissed her feet or touched them with their forehead. It was quite funny because the baby wanted to eat the Tika.

After this we went to the supermarket to buy some clothes for the children ("we" means everyone, so 12 children). Right now there is a festival called Dashain and for them it is like Christmas for us so they get new clothes for example. The festival symbolizes the victory of good over bad and it's one of the most important ones in Nepal. 
So the boys all got trousers and t-shirts but the girls decided to buy dresses. When I saw what kind of dresses they had chosen I really had to hide a laugh. The dresses really reminded me of princess dresses you wear for carnival or wedding dresses. But the girls looked sooo cute in it and one could really see the happiness in their eyes. 
I also got a dress and I really needed one because atm ,for me it is just too hot here to wear trousers all the time. Of course my dress doesn't look like the one of a princess haha. 
Yeah so after this nothing special really happened anymore. We were just playing some memory (The kids are sooo good in it!!) and watching tv. Then I went to bed.

Friday!!!! Yeiii finally it was the last day of school 👌 and it was one of the girls bdays and an other quite special day for the children. First of all they got their results and second Christian Goldmann was coming to meet them. 
But let me start from the beginning... 
So I went to school and hold one German class from 9 to 10 am. After that the teacher kind of stopped teaching and there were no lessons anymore so I felt kind of useless. First (because I felt quite bad if I would have left so early) I was just sitting around in one of the classrooms with some students then I talked for half an hour with a teacher and helped with sticking some drawings to the wall but then I decided to leave  because I became quite bored.
At home I was just chilling but went back to school (with sagar and raaj) to get the result sheets of the kids. Actually, ok except from some exceptions 😂, the kids did very well in their exams and everyone was quite proud. In the school each class has a ranking system and the main part of the kids were listed under the first four students which is quite good. 

After school everyone got ready because we had to leave to the Hyatt hotel to meet Christian. The hotel is one of the best in Kathmandu and it is really nice. 
We were picked up by a little bus and it took us about 30min to drive there. 
It was so nice to arrive in the hotel. For once one could escape the noisy, dusty streets with all its traffic and go into a nice, clean and green place. 
Christian wasn't there yet so we went onto the tennis courts and took some pictures and played with a tennis ball.
By the way the kids were sooo excited. All the girls wore their cute dresses and even lipstick and everyone couldn't wait to see Christian. 
Haha but when he finally arrived the kids were so shy suddenly 😂 this was quite funny to see.

 Christian also brought his designer Harry with him which is a very nice man.
He organized some BBQ and Momos for us and I think I have never seen the kids eating so much 😂. They really loved it and to be honest it was actually quite good. 
One of christans friend also joined us. His name is Michael kobold and he is a really nice, funny and talkative man. He owns a company which sells watches and leather products, made in Kathmandu. And it was so nice to meet him because I finally got to know some other German people.
Harry and Michael planned to go to sherpa market on the next day and we wanted to meet there because Michael wanted to introduce me to some German girls of the German embassy.
After having dinner we went back to the orphanage and I went to bed because I was sooo tired.

On the next day I got up quite early to get ready and go to the sherpa market. I wanted to be there at around 9 because they told me that they (Harry and michael)  would be there as well. I felt a little bit bad for the children tho because I couldn't spent time with them and the two girls had been looking forward to going out with me...
Yeah but anyways I arrived at the market at 9am and the others weren't there yet so I had some breakfast and sat down. Well in total I had to wait one hour until I spotted them and during this time I kind of tried every food at the market haha😂 I was sooooo full!!!!
Ok so I met them and I got introduced to some other people, I'm sorry but I really can't remember all of them. There was one man from Austria who has a bakery in kathamdu and a restaurant called "vienna". He is living here since already 37 years and is really funny😂. The girls from the German embassy weren't at the market but in a restaurant nearby so we decide to drive there.
When we came to the car we couldn't start driving because cars had parked directly next to and behind us.... so we started to push the cars away😂
Yeah so finally we started and OMG the way of driving of Michael is indescribable. Maybe one should compare it with a rollercoaster and times it with 10? He uses every single gap between the cars to overtake and actually he drives more on the side of oncoming traffic than on the actually side which would be the left one. He just uses the horn and the light and expects everyone to make space. Soo yeah being driven by him was sooo scary but funny at the same time.
So in the restaurant which is in Baluwater near the dance school we met the people from the German embassy. They were quite nice and I exchanged numbers with the girls.
But they had to leave quite fast so we decided to drive to Thamel.
There we went to a spa and got a massage for an hour which was so nice and relaxing. Afterwards we dropped Harry at the hotel because he had to fly to Milano and I met Russel Brice which is a famous expedition leader for Mount Everest.
Michael offered me to show me around Bhaktapur which was one of the Newar kingdoms of the Kathmandu valley. And I loved this place. It's sooo nice and beautiful and the atmosphere is amazing. Every house and building is made out of bricks and the colour of them just make the whole city look special, especially in the afternoon/ evening light. There is a big royal square with lots of temples, pagodas and statues called Durbar square. Unluckily the earthquake had destroyed a lot but they really try to built everything again. I think this is so great because it is quite difficult to rebuilt the big temples and the filigree stone work without any machines ran by electricity.... so this is just impressive. We also went through a little market and the houses and even if it is always crowded and there is a lot of traffic one can always feel this nice atmosphere and one doesn't  feel stressed or anything... And in all this chaos one really has to look around and have a closer look at some things because one can always find so many funny, unexpected and completely different things to Germany. This makes the whole city so interesting.

After Bhaktapur we drove to patan where we went to an Indian restaurant. The food was soo yummi and afterwards we got some sweet Biscuits (I forgot the name) and drove to the Durban square of patan. There was a little concert going on and again it was sooo nice 😍. Visiting the temples at night is also so amazing. Then he drove me back to the orphanage because it was already quite late. 
But this was absolutely the best day here in Kathmandu so far...😊

On Sunday I finally went out with the girls (before going out I bought some shoes because I really can't see my white sneakers anymore...😂).
They wanted to go to the garden of dreams and thamel so we drove there with the taxi.
I already knew the garden so it wasn't that special anymore... but today there were more flowers which looked even nicer. And there was a big swing 🙈. To be honest the construction didn't look very safe but nevertheless I swung and surprisingly it didn't break 👌.
After visiting the garden we went around thamel. The girls wanted to eat Momos so I decided to go to a restaurant called Path Kath.
It is such a cute restaurant 😍 I really really love it. Basically it looks like a tree house and it plays reggae music which is so relaxing.
And the food there is quite good as well.
So after eating we went back to the orphanage.
There I quickly changed and took a taxi to the Hyatt hotel again because Michael had invited me for lunch. The taxi took ages due to the biggest traffic ever...
I was quite happy when I finally arrived at the hotel (1.5h late😂). There were 15 other people and Michael made the best burgers I have ever eaten 😍. They were so big and yummy (unluckily I forgot to take a picture 😭)...
It was also nice to meet some new people again and I exchanged numbers with the daughter of a judge of the supreme court of Nepal. So yeah I had a good time there and really enjoyed it.
After coming back to the orphanage I just played a little bit with the children and then went to bed.

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Kommentare: 2
  • #1

    Ami (Mittwoch, 27 September 2017 17:56)

    Liebe Lena es ist so interessant was du immer schreibst, es ist bestimmt aufregend immer wieder was Neues kennen zu lernen. Es ist ja toll , dass du über Christian viele neue und nette interessante Leute kennen gelernt hast und neue Kontakte knüpfen kannst. Wir wünschen dir weiter viel Freude bei der Arbeit mit den Kindern und dem neuen Leben in KAtmandu. Pass auf dich auf
    LG Ami & Opa

  • #2

    Mama (Mittwoch, 27 September 2017 18:50)

    Lena was für ein toller Bericht, �superschöne Fotos, kann mich noch ganz gut an Bakthapur erinnern, ist halt schon ewig her.
    Weiterhin ein geschärftes Auge für das Kleine.�
    Alles Liebe