Nepal- swayambhu

After breakfast i left with two of the boys because they wanted to go to Swayambhu.

It is the other place, next to Boudha, which is famous for its stupa. But this time the stupa is built on a hill and one has an awesome view over whole Kathmandu. 

First we wanted to take the bus but well I had no idea which one we had to take so I gave up on this idea and we took the taxi. 

It was soooooo hot today... 32 degrees and in Nepal everyone always wears long stuff... so I felt as if I would melt in my black long trousers... horrible!! When we arrived it already looked so nice. In the beginning one can find the foot prints of Buddha pressed in stone. Then 365 steps lead up to the stupa. On the way there are a lot of Buddha statues which looked sooo nice. But I was really not in the mood to go up all the stairs... When we arrived at the stupa I was sweating so much and I would have been sooo angry if the view and everything would not have been awesome after this exhausting torture...but it was fantastic!!! One could see whole Kathmandu and the stupa was also so beautiful  😍. Again the atmosphere and everything was soo breathtaking. I felt sooo happy to be there. It wasn't only the stupa and the nice view but also the people there, all the little shops, the statues, the incense Sticks and all the colourful prayer flags which created this atmosphere. And of course... how can I forget... all the monkeys 🙈🐒 there are sooo many of them and they are the reason why the temple is also called "the monkey temple". From the stupa one can walk a little bit and one reaches other temples and little stupas. This was also so great... ahhh I just fell in love with this place it's sooo beautiful  😍 there was also a little pool with a statue in the middle and a basket. One should throw coins, trying to hit the basket... I think hitting it would have meant luck or something like this... of course I missed it haha😅

But well even if it was so hot and I was sweating like crazy I enjoyed this trip so much. And I think the boys did as well 😊.

After visiting the stupa we went down and decided to have something to eat and drink... the only problem was I have never been to swayambhu and had nooo idea were to go...

Well so after a while of just walking around and not finding any good looking restaurants i decided to take a taxi to thamel and go to the reggae/treehouse restaurant. 

I just love it so much 😍. The boys also liked it and they had Momos as always... 

After eating we drove back to the orphanage and then I was just playing with the kids.

I brought something from Germany where one can make little pearl animals or things... I do not really know how to describe it in English.. So I wanted to do it with the kids but the thing is I only have two templates so only two kids can do it at the same time and then the pearls have to dry and then the next two can do it. The thing is as soon as I show them something new everyone wants to do it and it is sooo annoying. They just take everything and everyone wants to be the first. They do not really understand that this just doesn't work. I mean there are 12 kids and somehow they need to learn that it's not only one of them who wants to do it. And this annoys me so much. I just hate it if someone is egoistic and always saying "I want this... I want that.. I want to do this first...  bla bla bla " i really got angry when one of the girls told me she wont talk to me anymore because she wasnt the one who did it first... I hate such behaviour.  But ok in the end I think she understood and talked to me again haha 😅

Well then we had dinner 

And I went to bed xx 

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