Nepal- waffles, garden, dance, monkeys and tika, new roommate

Coco waffle restaurant
Coco waffle restaurant

Okay again I was quite lazy to write about the last days... I'm just always too tired or the Wi-Fi doesn't work... well, but actually im just too lazy hahah.

So I'm gonna start with Tuesday. 

In the morning I was only hanging around with the kids and was helping them with their homework (they have sooo much!!!). 

At 1.30 pm I met Anjalika for lunch (the girl I met during the burger-lunch of Michael).

She was picking me up and her driver drove us to a well known waffle place called "Coco waffle restaurant". The restaurant is quite small but very cute and the waffles are amazing 😍. I had one with nutella as I haven't had nutella for ages 😅.

And if I will find the way to the restaurant I really need to go their again because it was just soo yummi.

Anjalika was so nice and I got along with her quite well. She also just finished her A levels and is taking a gap year. After it she wants to study law as well. She invited me to go out with her on the 4th of October because major lazer will be here in kathmandu. I was so surprised... I would have never expected that famous American musicians would come to Kathmandu... so I'm really looking forward to it... also because I can finally listen to different music than Hindi or Nepali for one night haha.

So I'm really happy about it since I do not really want to go out partying on my own 😂 this is just too scary... 

After eating we drove to Baluwater and went shopping. I mean I didn't expect that I will go into clubs and stuff like that so I didn't bring any cloths with me according to the occasion. 

So I bought high heels a jump suit and a top. In comparison to food the cloths are not cheaper than in Germany... unluckily :/ 

But well I found some nice things and it was a great day.

After coming back I was just doing some puzzles with the kids and was watching tv until I went to bed. 

On Wednesday I went out with two of the girls. Again they wanted to go to garden of dreams and honestly I was really annoyed about it. I mean I've been there so many times now and I always have to pay for it... so for me it's a waste of money...
But ok the girls wanted to do it and so we drove there.... 

Well, even if my motivation was equal zero (also because it was sooo hot again😅) it turned out to be quite nice. The girls really liked the swing and I think we spent one hour just with it. An other hour was filled up with watching goldfishes. I really have no idea why they are so into goldfishes. As soon as they see something like a natural pool they emidiatly start running to it because they expect to find goldfishes in there.....

After the garden we went into thamel. And again we went to my favourite restaurant...the tree house 😊. Well I think i actually don't have to mention what we ate... of course Momos.

After eating we went back to the orphanage and were just watching tv and playing memory. And we flew kite. All the children do it during Dashain but unluckily our kite didn't really fly haha.

On Thursday nothing special actually happened. We were just staying in the orphanage and raaj went out with some of the kids for some hours. So for me it was quite relaxing. 

After they came back they were just watching tv... to be honest they watch tv a lot.. actually all the time 😅. The thing is though, they do not really want to do something else and also I can't do things with all of them at the same time... so this is always a bit annoying. 

In the evening we were dancing. We started before dinner and kept going until 12 pm 😅 so this was almost 6 hours of dancing... it was sooooo exhausting but also so funny and nice. But I was so happy when I was finally lying in my bed. 

On Friday I did a trip with two of the boys again to swayambhu. So this was the second time I've been there and as it was so hot today again and I already knew about all the steps... I decided to wear a skirt. I just couldn't wear long trousers... This would have killed Me!!!

So everyone was staring at me... I hate this so so sooo much!!! I think this is how animals in a zoo must feel like... horrible. And also as soon as you don't wear a pullover or a shirt which doesn't end underneath the chin the taxi drivers for example don't speak to you and look you into the eyes but 40 cm down below... I really hate it and it's so disgusting 😅. 

But well at least I wasn't sweating that much... 

Again I really loved the stupa, the view and the temples and everything was the same as some days ago.. Well, almost...

This time there were 1. more people, 2. more dogs, 3. waaaaay more monkeys.

The people did absolutely not scare me but the dogs and monkeys really did. It's just that I have no idea how these animals react and stuff like this so I always feel better keeping a little distance to them. 

But one of the kids did exact the opposite... it tried to touch one if the monkeys and it emidiatly attacked the kid and was screaming which made other monkeys running to the kid as well and they also attacked it... 

I was soooooo overchallenged!! I mean the monkeys were almost as big as the boy and I had nooooo idea what to do 😅 luckily there were some men who spilled water on them and shouted at them so after a while the monkeys finally left 😅. After this experience the boy kept distance to the monkeys as well hahaha.

So except of this little shock the trip was quite nice. An other thing which happens quite often is that strange people just start talking and complimenting me. It is like they have never seen an European girl.... 😂 "nice eyes", "I like your dimples sooo much", "you look sooo sweet", "you're so beautiful", "you're so gorgeous" these are things I'm always hearing... haha actually so cute isn't it? Everyone is just so nice over here. 

So after swayambhu we drove to thamel and again had Momos in my little tree house 😍.

And yeah then we went back and nothing special happened anymore.. 😊

Saturday was the big day of putting Tika. At 12 we started with it. So basically there was rice with red colour which is called Tika and an other thing, I actually have no idea what it was, just a liquid something with a yellow colour and something which looked like special grass.

Everything was nicely put on a plate with fruits and incense sticks. Then there was a blanket lying on the floor and one kid after an other sat down and uncle put the yellow colour with a flower and then the Tika on their forehead. And them they put the grass in their hair. Also everyone got some money and a piece of Apple. I thought that this wouldn't take that long and it would be finished after uncle put Tika on everyone's forehead (by the way, also on mine 😂)  but noooooo then it was auntie's turn then monju's then the neighbours came an other brother etc.... so the whole thing took ages 😅. And in the end my full forehead was red 😂
At 1pm I had to get ready because I met Michael for lunch. I really tried to make my forehead look normal again but it was still red haha. And when I went upstairs to say bye, again they put new Tika on it😂. So I looked (in my opinion because I'm European) soo stupid haha. Michael decided to pick me up and of course he made fun of me when he saw me haha. We drove to the hotel and ate some risotto (so nice, I haven't had it in ages !!). His risotto looked like the Tika on my forehead so basically I looked like as if I had put risotto in my face haha😅.
So the lunch was quite nice and it was good to have some pause of the kids 😅. After eating we walked to the big stupa of Boudha and he showed me around a little bit. It's so funny how many different things one can find by walking down one street 🙈 we even found a place where one can play billiard🙈 and he bought me a salt stone as a souvenir😂.
Afterwards we went back to the hotel and had a drink and then he drove me back to the orphanage. I was so tired so after watching a little bit tv I went to bed.

On Sunday Paula finally arrived in Kathmandu. At 11 am I drove to the airport to get her. I was sooo happy and our day was quite relaxing. She just unpacked her stuff and then we drove to thamel to have some breakfast. After eating I showed her around and we went to the supermarket before we went back to the orphanage. She is very nice and we really get along with each other quite well. And finally it's not that boring anymore when I stay in my room...and all the kids do not always want my attention. So yeah I'm really really happy 😊. Then we actually went to bed quite early but I couldn't really sleep 😑. 

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