Nepal- girls night out...

Today was our big day of going out partying in Kathmandu... In the morning we didn`t expect it to be our first and at the same time probably last time haha. Well, so during the day we actually did nothing except of buying some high heels for Paula. Until 5 o clock we were just hanging around with the kids and were playing with them. Then we decided to get ready because before partying we wanted to go out for dinner in Thamel. So we left the orphanage at around 6pm and took a taxi. Paula has never been to the treehouse restaurant before and as it is one of my favourites and I really wanted to show it to her, we went there. When we arrived we both weren`t hungry so we decided to drink a cocktail and toast to our stay in kathmandu. We actually ordered ONE cocktail but somehow both of us got two... so because of this in the end we decided to eat something and had some French fries. Suddenly we got an other cocktail which we hadn`t ordered so each of us had three now. Some strange guys ordered it for us and after a while they joined our table. Apparently they lived  in Sydney and came to Kathmandu to visit their family. We talked a little bit with them until Anjalika arrived in Thamel as well and picked us up. We went to a really cool bar called "Beta bar" with pool tables and nice atmosphere. We had an other cocktail and again there were guys who just ordered one more for us.. so yeah we became quite tipsy but it was soo much fun. We tried to play pool but we were actually quite bad and the game took ages. After finally finishing it we decided to drive to the club were major lazer was playing. When we arrived the club was still empty and it was quite boring so we took a taxi back to Thamel and wanted to go to the same bar as before but we met the guys of the treehouse restaurant and we joined them into an other bar called "Reggea bar". The music didn`t have anything to do with reggea at all... it was hard rock haha. We sat down at a rooftop and had some salad and other drinks (no alcohol this time !!... we really had enough..) . After a while Anjalika left and we went into a club called "OMG". As it was Wednesday the club was almost empty. But still I had soooo much fun. I kind of made friends with everybody (even the DJ) and was just dancing for 3 hours. When I came into the club I changed my Highheels to Flipflops. So I was dancing dressed with a dress and Flipflops quite happily on an almost empty dancefloor. I think I have never had as much fun before... I just didn`t care about what the others were thinking or anything like this because i knew i would never ever see them in my life again... We left the club at 3 and took a taxi back to the orphanage. When we got out of the taxi we still had to walk a little bit which wasn`t a problem actually.. but suddenly Paula got stucked in a fence with her leg and hurt it. It looked horrible, she just had a big hole in it. First she was so shocked that she didn`t say anything but when we reached the orphanage she was panicking and started crying so much... I was quite overwhelmed by all of it and tried to open the door.. but I couldn`t . We had to unlock a big lock with a key but somehow it just didn´t work. Both of us tried it for almost an hour but we couldn`t manage to open it... At some point we gave up and started ringing the bell of the orphanage.. but well, it was broken. So the only possibility we had was to call Janadan (luckily I took my phone with the Nepali SIM card with me..). He picked up the phone and came. It was soooooo embarrassing!!!! He was able to unlock the lock at his first try... Well, yeah I think he was a little, little liiiittleee bit annoyed haha. When we came into the room we tried to find all of our plasters and stuff like that to bandage Paula`s wound. We were  actually quite successful with it and as soon as we finished it we directly went to bed. Oh by the way I want to mention: We missed the actual aim of the night... we didn´t see Major Lazer haha! 

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