Nepal- hospitalvibes

When we woke up today I had a little hangover haha... And Paula`s leg was still hurting a lot and we decided to go to the hospital because she could hardly walk...So we ordered a taxi to the orphanage and Raaj and one of the girls came with us. It was quite nice of them because we had no idea how a hospital in Nepal works and we also needed them for translation... Okay so when we arrived at the hospital (the name was "teaching hospital") it was sooo confusing. Basically one enters the building and there are beds everywhere. But there are always 2-4 people who share one bed.. Also the beds are not in a separated room but just in the entrance hall where one can also find the counter. We had to wait for half an hour until it was our turn. At first they didn`t want to see the wound, they were just happy with a picture of it haha. Then Paula had to go to a doctor for registration who took her pulse and blood pressure. All of this also just happened between everyone else.. nobody had some private space.. After this we had to wait and then we got a list of things we needed to buy. Basically they wanted to give Paula two injections and to take her blood before stitching up her wound. The funny thing was, that before all of this was happening we had to buy the injections and the needle and the thread needed to stitch the wound by ourselves. So we were running around with a bag full of medical stuff..  Before they gave her the injections, Paula had to x-ray her leg... which was a little bit confusing because obviously her leg wasn`t broken or anything.. it was just a wound. At least Paula got a picture of her leg bones as a souvenir. Her name was written on the picture and it didn´t say Paula Schuster but Pula Sehula... this brightened our day a little bit up. By the way the x-ray Maschine and the room and everything wasn`t safe at all. Nothing in comparison to Germany where they try to avoid the rays...

After they had taken her blood we had to wait for two hours to get the blood results. These were the longest hours ever.. we haven`t even had breakfast yet and it was already two o clock... I was soo tired and had a headache and felt like throwing up. We decided to have something to eat.. but they only had spicy potatoes with curry.. of course this wasn´t the best for my stomach at all but at least i had eaten something.. So after waiting for two hours they wanted to stitch Paula´s wound. We had to go upstairs and for fixing it up we finally had to stay in a separated room called "operation theatre" . Well, when you are used to a sterile German standards I think at first everyone would be shocked haha. Paula had to lay down on a mix out of a table and chair which didn`t really looked safe and they gave her injections into the wound so she wouldn´t feel any pain. Only one person was allowed to join her in the room.. and this was me. MEEEE who can`t see blood and needles and stitching something at all!!! and in the end I think i felt worse than Paula haha. But first of all i should mention that the injections didn`t really do their job and Paula felt all of the 5 stitches... We both were so happy when it was finally over. After finishing I felt so dizzy and like throwing up because of course while sitting next to someone who stitches a leg I just had to have  a look at it which turned my stomach almost up side down and i nearly passed out haha. So i had to sit down for a while... The whole thing in the hospital took about 6 hours and we were so happy when we finally came back to the orphanage and we were able to lay down and relax. So the rest of our day consisted out of sleeping and relaxing. 

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