Nepal- Pizzalove

Today we went on a trip with two of the boys. They wanted to go to the "Garden of dreams" so we took a taxi to Thamel. Paula didn`t join us, she went into the Himalayan Java Cafe because her bank had blocked her card and she needed good wifi to figure out why etc..

By the way at the moment the wifi in the orphanage doesn`t really work... it`s so annoying and this is also the reason I couldn`t post anything the last days... Well, I could have posted just the text but I like to add some pictures as well and often I can`t upload them so I always wait until I have better wifi to do so.. 

Ok, so I wasn`t really in the mood for the Garden of dreams.. I mean, I´ve actually been there now for almost 10 times and somehow it`s a little bit boring already... But today I actually liked it. First of all I wore hot pants, which made everything a lot more comfortable than usually as it was quite hot today. Second, today the Garden was a big flower paradise. The first time I went into the Garden I only saw one single flower and the Lotus. Now there were lots of roses and orange and yellow coloured flowers and the garden looked even nicer. And third, the swing was still there and as I got used to it I wasn`t scared to use it today. And it was actually sooo much fun. So we spend some time with it and also walked through the garden. We took a lot of pictures and the boys really liked it.  



Afterwards we went to the Himalayan Cafe to join Paula and we had something to drink. This Cafe is actually my absolute favourite. There is always a nice atmosphere, all drinks and the food taste brilliantly and it`s just comfortable to sit in big sofas or armchairs. And one more plus point... they have very good Wifi and one can charge laptops and phones.. absolutely perfect!! Sometimes when I spend some time on my own and come there for breakfast I stay there up to 4, 5 hours haha. 


When we had finished our drinks we went through Thamel because the boys wanted some necklaces and I needed to buy a "glass-security-foile" (I have no idea how it`s called in English, and I`m actually too lazy to look it up right now) for my phone because the screen already had some scratches.. and I really wanted to keep my phone a little bit longer than some months ( I actually have the habit to either lose or break my phone(s) within several months)... The glass-thing was quite cheap in comparison to Germany, I only paid 1.50 euros. And today we found a shop which sold necklaces for 50 NR instead of 100-150 NR which I thought was the normal price here.. So all of this made me quite happy and it was a good day so far.

And my day got even better...


The boys wanted to eat pizza, PIZZAAAA!!!!! This is soo rare!! As you might have noticed... normally everyone always eats Momos. So I was so happy!! I wanted to have pizza for ages but somehow I never had time for it and I actually couldn`t wait for it any longer and we went directly to the Italian restaurant called "fire and ice". It`s amazing how happy food can make you... Especially if you haven`t had certain things in a while.. 

Well, I was just soo pleased to finally taste pizza again haha. And one of the boys had noodles and they were so delicious as well.. AMAZING!! I felt like if I was in heaven.!! 

The only thing is.. it was quite expansive. And I think we paid about 1000 NR extra charge...

In the afternoon me and Paula felt bored so we went up to the rooftop and took some picture. 

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