Nepal- end of the holidays

On the 23rd school started again.. Me and Paula joined the kids to school and talked to the headmaster. Today actually we didn`t want to teach because both of us had to get some stuff done and we actually wanted to drive to Thamel. So we only stayed in class for one hour, teaching some German and then we drove to Thamel. We stayed there for some hours and went back when the kids came back from school.  The rest of the day we spent with playing cards, and just relaxing.


On the next day we went to school again and this time we stayed till the end. We had about 6 classes and actually it was quite fun. We taught them animals, numbers, family members ,and how to introduce oneself in German. In the end we also tried to sing with them "Alle meine Entchen " which was very funny.

We had a talk with the principal as well and it was about how expansive Germany in comparison to Nepal is. Somehow everything is always about money.. He also thought German  people would not speak English at all and he told us that he thinks we are so rich and the trekking, which costs 470 euros, is like nothing for us, which is absolutely not true!! It`s still a lot of money... It`s so weird how they always think we wouldn`t work for our money in Germany and wouldn`t appreciate things which cost a lot of money. Sometimes I have the feeling they think we are just born with lots of money and we get everything from our parents. 

In between the lessons we had a break for 45minutes. We spent this time with watching the dance class of the UKG which was so cute. 


In the afternoon we went dancing and spent the day with the kids.

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