Nepal- New friends

Today we didn`t have to go to school because we arranged that we had to teach again after our trekking tour. So we decided to go to Baber Mahal which is a shopping centre Christan had recommended. It was quite a beautiful place. It is an old palace with little shops. Of course we didn`t buy anything as everything was quite expansive but still it was nice to have seen it. After visiting it we wanted to have some breakfast. Of course there were restaurants in the shopping Center but we were too stingy to spend our money there. Everything was a lot more expansive than usual (basically German prices) but as we got used to cheap places we walked down the street to find an other place. Well, but there wasn`t really anything haha. After a while we found a Nepali cafe and decided to stay there. I had 2 Coffees 2 boiled eggs and an omlett and paid 1.70 euros!! SSOO cheap!! And the man was so friendly and happy to have us in his restaurant (haha I think he never had European people in his cafe). After breakfast we went home.


In the evening we were invited for dinner. Paula met a girl in the hospital which was quite nice and she invited us. We bought some fruits, cookies and Roti as little gifts and left the house at 5.30. First we had to drive to Baluwatar because Paula had left her shoes at the dance school the day before. Then we went back (45min) and tried to find the place were we should meet the girl. Luckily it was a hospital so everyone knew it and we quickly found it. We waited there for half an hour and then she picked us up. She was so happy to see and meet us which was quite cute. She introduced us to her family and everyone seemed to be quite nice. Almost her whole family is living in the house. 3-4 people always share a little room and in comparison to Germany and for example Janardans house everything looked quite poor. But still it was very nice of them and I think they were quite happy to have European people in their house and they felt quite special. They even called one of the girl`s brothers who was in the village at the moment to introduce him to us. We talked a lot with them and they showed us pictures of them when they were little and of her brothers marriage. Her brother married with 19 and also got a daughter in this age. This is quite normal... but for me it would be unimaginable if I would have to marry next year.. 

The girl wanted us to sleep at her house which was so weird and she didn`t want to accept a no, but we really didn`t feel like staying and sleeping in her house or room.... For us they were still strangers.. 

But the food was quite good and they also bought Nepali beer for us haha which actually tasted the same as German beer. 

We had to leave at 9.30 and wanted to walk the way back to the orphanage.. But the family was so worried about us so we had to take a taxi and the brothers were coming with us to make sure we will get back home in one piece.. actually so cute of them !!

The thing is I always have the feeling Nepali people are quite clingy and weird when it comes to get to know each other. As soon as I had accept the girls fb request she was texting "i miss u sooo much and we have to meet tmr and and and ....." and then I got thousands of requests of other Nepali people... One started calling me all the time and texting me that he wants to be fbfriends and hear my voice and get to know me. An other told me he had fell in love with me the first time he had seen me ... So this is soooo weird, I do not even know these people, I have never met them and they just call me or "fall in love with me" ... kind of scary. I also never accept them on Instagram because they are just so annoying. 


When we came back we were soo tired and stuffed with food and new experiences so we immediately went to bed. 

On the 26th I did nothing. I was just watching movies and played with the kids.

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