Nepal- last week

Well, the last days in Kathmadu I`ve been sick most of the time… On Sunday I couldn`t go to school because I had a huge cold. I think I got it when I was freezing so much during the trekking tour. Then on Tuesday I didn`t go to school as well because I got a tattoo. Yes! Second one! And this time I wasn`t that scared anymore even if it was bigger and at a different place.. I got it at the side over the ribs because there no one really sees it… I even drew it on my own.. It is a worldmap with a circle and arrows (=compass) because I just love travelling so much. I added some more circles over Nepal, Europe and Mexico because these are the continents/countries where I stayed or will stay during my gap-year and I wanted it as a memory for it.  There is also a arrow which has “faith” written in it. This is a reminder for me to always believe in myself and stay true to myself but also believe and trust in others.
Everyone told me that it will hurt sooo much, but to be honest I think it didn`t hurt at all. Of course I could imagine better things than the feeling of getting a tattoo but it wasn´t bad at all… Maybe I´m just not that sensitive when it comes to feeling pain. Still, when it was done I was happy that it was over.. And I really love my tattoo!! The next days it was just a little bit annoying because I couldn`t really wear a bra…

At the tenth a friend of Paula arrived in Kathmandu and we spent some time with him in Thamel. His name is Momo (like the food ahaha) and he is really nice. We decided to meet in Boudha the next day because he was staying in a hostel there. And it was also good for us because we could connect this with one of the trips with the kids.
So on Saturday (11.11.17) we left the orphanage at 11 with two of the girls and took a taxi to Boudha. We always use the back entrance now which Michael had showed me because we didn`t want to pay the entrance fee every time… So yeah the weather was quite nice and we spend our time with walking around the stupa and having a look at all the different shops. I bought some necklaces and a Mandala. I really was in a shopping mood. We had some drinks at a rooftop terrace and lunch in the Himalayan Java restaurant. It was the first time the kids had seen and tasted pancakes!! And they loved them!!
On Sunday (12.11.17) the three of us decided to drive to Bhaktapur. I`ve only been there once with Michael and as I really liked it there I wanted to visit it one more time before flying back to Germany. When we arrived there the taxidriver stopped directly in front of the entrance of the durbar square.. The only thing was that they wanted us to pay 15 dollar entrance fee.. and of course (used to the cheap Nepal lifestyle) we were quite shocked how expansive it was and didn’t really want to pay for it… So we tried to find an other way to get into it… Our first attempt failed but in the end we made it. Again we bought some souvenirs and just walked through Bhaktapur`s streets and enjoyed its beauty. We found  a cute café were we had some tea and coffee and in the afternoon we stopped at a restaurant directly at the square to have some lunch.
We decided that we didn`t want to pay the money for a taxi back to Kathmandu so we searched for a bus. And we even found one, thanks google maps!! We also got into the right bus and had an exciting ride back to Kathmandu (even managed to chance busses while being in traffic jam and driving ahah)
In total our day was totally worth it and amazing!! 

On Monday we went to school again and taught some German. We revised the animals, colours and self-introduction and actually it was quite fun. Teaching together is so much better. The class is more quiet and we can share the work so it won`t get too exhausting..
On Tuesday Paula got her tattoo so we didn`t go to school. She got cherry flowers under her breast with a Nepali writing which meant “Never alone” for her twin brother as a bday present. It took about 2.5h and looks really beautiful. Afterwards we had lunch in the OK2R and then we took a taxi back home. Before we went to the orphanage we bought some food in front of the supermarket because I planned to go picknicking as a goodbye dinner with the kids. In front of the supermarket there are a lot of different stables were you can buy food and everything is quite cheap. I bought food for 17 people and in total I payed 25 euros. Then we all went to a bigger meadow near the orphanage and the kids also brought their cricket stuff with them. So our evening was quite nice and the food was quite delicious. The kids had lots of fun and were happy which also made me happy. But in the evening I was really tired and looking forward to my bed.
On my last day in Nepal (15.11.17) I didn`t go to school but enjoyed my las breakfast in the Himalayan Java Café and finished packing. When Paula came back from school we drove to Thamel and met Momo. There we just walked through the streets and bought lots of souvenirs. After a while Anjelika joined us which was very nice. We had some dinner and went shopping again and then home.
At 12 o clock the next day I went to school and said goodbye to the kids. It was actually quite sad and I really didn`t want to leave. By the way I got stomach problems again and just vomited the whole night… So yeah, I was really NOT looking forward to flying back.
After school I said goodbye to the rest of the orphanage  and then a taxidriver got me and drove me to the airport. Traveling home was quite ok and I actually didn`t have a lot of problems. I was so happy when I finally arrived in Munich. It was the best feeling ever and even if it was fucking cold I was more than blessed.

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