Mexico- let the adventure begin!

The week in Germany went passed so fast and it was very nice to have seen everyone again. But I actually also couldn`t wait to escape the cold annoying weather in Germany and finally fly to Mexico!!!!

16.11.1,7 a new chapter is about to begin. I finished packing all of my stuff, said goodbye to everyone and was ready to take off to my next adventure Mexico!!!
My flight was at 7.15 pm so we`ve been at the airport at 5.30 pm. Same as when I had traveled to Nepal.. my suitcase was way too heavy. Luckily I brought a second backpack with me and I was allowed to take both of them into the plane. So j filled some of the stuff of my suitcase into my backpack. 

Then I said bye to my family and went through the security (I had no problems!) to the gate. 

I got on my plane and started my first flight to Madrid. Two hours later I arrived in Madrid. There I had to wait for 1.5 hours until my next flight took off to Mexico city. This flight took 12h now and I was really not in the mood for it. I mean first of all I'm scared of flying second I can never sleep in the plane third I knew there won't be much space and last but not least it was fucking 12 hours long!! Well, so yeah i found a more or less comfortable position and even managed to sleep for about 10 minutes!! Amazing right? I watched one movie which was quite boring and played tetris and "wer wird Millionär " . I also continued writing my blog post about trekking in Nepal as I had no time in Germany to do so.... the rest of the time I spent with looking out of the window and watching the map haha. So I was quite bored for 12 h and my neighbour was sleeping all the time and I didn't want to wake him up when I needed the toilet... so when we arrived in Mexico city this was the first thing I had to do haha... twelve hours had been a long waiting time... by the way the food was okay I had lasagne and scramble egg for breakfast.

At 4 o clock in the morning we arrived in Mexico city. My suitcase was not checkt in until Puerto Escondido so I had to get it first. One thing I also have to mention.... I had to carry two heavy backpacks and my laptop and a jacket etc. Sometimes I felt a bit overchallenged with carrying all of it and not hitting other people with my shoes or whatever... i think i even hit 2 or three people... 

Before getting the suitcase I had to wait in a huge line to get the visa for Mexico and it felt as if it had taken ages. After finally getting the visa (180 days) I got my suitcase which was already standing in the luggage hall. Then I was a little bit confused... I didn't know where to go and what to do..

But there was a sign which said "luggage check in" so i hoped it would be the right way and followed it. I had to put my suitcase on a baggage conveyor belt and really hoped it would arrive in Puerto Escondido. Apparently after doing this I looked a little bit lost and a man asked me where I had to go. I showed him my next flight and he explained me the way. Luckily he did because my next flight was in 8h so it wasn't written on one of the boards yet and I wouldn't have find the right way for ages... I left the luggage hall and arrived in the check in hall. Of course I found the right desk (thanks stranger! ) and checkt in for my next flight. My board card was quite funny.. basically it looked like a shopping receipt. Then I went through the security and arrived in the next hall. One thing which really annoyed me was that no one of the people at the airport really spoke English... and of course my Spanish is more than bad so I couldn't really understand them 😂

In the big hall I had to wait for 8 hours :( I spent the time with trying to find Wi-Fi, watching movies, drinking coffee in Starbucks, continuing watching movies and listening to music. When it was time to go to the gate I looked at the board but oh Well, my flight wasn't written on it haha. All the flights until 2pm had been showing but mine at 12.15 not... I was quite confused and actually felt a little bit of panic... Luckily there was an information centre and I asked. The man said I should just wait. So I waited... but I don't know I was so confused and waiting felt strange so I walked through the hall hoping to find an other information centre or a person who I could ask... but there was none 😂. So when I arrived back at the previous centre I asked again because the flight was still not written on it and my boarding card said that boarding had already started...
This time the man finally knew where I had to go and I walked to gate 1. Finally I was right👍
I had to wait 15 more minutes and then we started with boarding. It was a very small plane and I think there were only about 25 people. I had one row on my own. We only had to fly for 45minutes and I really enjoyed the flight. The landscape looked quite nice and hilly which surprised me but Well, I didn't inform myself about Mexico at all so yeah not a surprise that I was surprised haha. We even got drinks and chips during this short flight and actually as soon as we had taken off we started landing again.

Puerto Escondido is situated directly at the sea so for landing we had to fly over the sea, turn and then we started to fly to the airport. The view along the coastline was awesome!! And i couldn't believe that i would live basically at the beach for the next 3 months. We literally arrived at the smallest airport I have ever seen. It was so cute!! We walked out of the airport into one room were a little luggage claim transported our suitcase. Luckily my suitcase arrived in Puerto Escondido as well. By the way when I went out of the airplane it had 30 fucking degrees!! Not as cold as it was in Germany right now and I immediately started sweating because I wore a pullover and long leggings. When I left the room I already saw one of the group coordinators of praktikawelten (that's the organization I had booked the whole trip with). There were others as well who arrived at the same time with me and I already thought so when I had first seen them in Mexico city. Two of them came from the Netherlands and the other girls were Germans. But both of them started to speak spanish fluently  and i was like yeiii I don't understand anything... should I go back home haha? No ... I mean, I also came to Mexico to learn the language and yeah i will try to do my best...

So all of us jumped on a mini bus and we were driven to "la escuela", the school which at the same time is the place I'm gonna live for the next five weeks. When we arrived there we were shown around and everything looked so nice and beautiful. There were two buildings, one little, one a little bit bigger (one day i will post some photos ). In the building were different rooms were some of the girls stayed. In the middle was a square with some trees benches and one fountain. Then there were stairs which lead to the kitchen and one big table and to the "classrooms". Classrooms might be a bit of an exhilaration... basically there were just view tables in different areas with white boards. After showing the area the woman showed me my room and I was happy to finally be able to go showering. I felt so sweaty and disgusting it was literally the best thing ever!! After showering I started to unpack my things and then I just lay down for a while. My room mate wasn't in her room so I had it all to my self which was actually quite good as I was very tired. 

After an hour I went downstairs (my room is on the first floor) and went out with one of the girls who arrived with me as well. We actually just wanted to go to the supermarket but as we couldn't find it at once we saw a bit of Puerto as well and I think it's a quite cute town. It's so beautiful with all the flowers and coloured houses and so different to towns in Germany (unluckily I only took one picture 🤣). After asking i think a hundred times and a lot of walking we finally reached the supermarket which was quite big. I had to get money first so we needed to find a cash machine. Apparently there was one in the supermarket but again it took us ages to find it haha. When we had found it at first non of them were working but after trying for the third time I was suddenly successful and got my money. Then we bought some stuff and when it came to fruits we found some we had never seen before and yeah i thought let's buy and try It, why not haha. (Later: one of the fruits looked like a chestnut and tasted like Marzipan 😂)

Afterwards we walked back. Back in the school I got my box from the room and ordered all my stuff and put it into the kitchen. Every girl has two boxes one with plates and stuff like that and which can be usedone for normal food and one for the fridge. Then I just went into my room, lay down and slept. I kind of woke up when the other girl was coming into the room but I just kept sleeping, I was too tired. 

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