Mexico- SUNSETS= the proof that no matter what happens every day can end beautiful

In the next morning (28.11.2017) my motivation for getting up was quite low. I literally got up when the bell which announced the beginning of the first lesson rang. So I had to get dressed quite quickly to join the lessons. Again it was quite funny and nice but we had to write a lot of essays which wasn't that easy to be honest. And of course, what else... I had forgotten my homework haha. But to be honest it's quite annoying that we get it because after school I just want to relax, go to the beach or to the supermarket. And in the evening we also do not really have time or are too tired so yeah I think homework is quite annoying. In the big lunch break we made necklaces out of coconuts. First we had to rub and form it with sandpaper then we had to draw the picture we wanted to get and then we burned the picture into the wood with a special heater. First I thought it would look horrible but actually it looked quite nice. And I really liked it.

 After school we (Maren, a girl who arrived with me in Puerto and me ) wanted to go to the beach because there was a ceremony. The brother of maren' s hostmother and 2 other men had died in an car accident and as they had been surfers all the surfer people and family members and friends hold this ceremony at the beach. First I walked to Maren's hostfamily and then we (me, Maren, Chris =also a boy from Germany who is very nice and an other girl) walked to it for about 40minutes along the beach as it was in zicatela, a beach part of Puerto Escondido. When we arrived there ,there were the pictures of the men.... unluckily they had been quite young. Lots of flowers and chairs were arranged in front of a big pavilion with a stage and everything looked so beautiful. When the ceremony begun there were sooo many people. It felt as if whole Puerto Escondido came together at the beach. Of course everyone was so sad and all the people were crying and the whole event was very emotional and touched me. It was so beautiful with the beach, sunset, music, all the flowers and people!!! It was just a very respectful and piecful way of saying goodbye. After the music and speeches all the surfers grabbed their boards, swam outside with flowers and built a big circle by holding each other's hands. Then they threw the flowers into the water and some boats joined them as well. It looked so amazing and there were so many people at the sea. To be honest in comparison to a German church ceremony this was just 100000 times better and more beautiful. 

When the sun was going down we decided to go back home . It was the first sunset I had seen in Puerto and it was sooo stunning. The colours were so intensive and with the sea it looked more than amazing! So the sad day ended quite beautiful.I felt so happy that I'm gonna stay at this place for the next 3 months 😍.

When I came back into my room I took a shower and got dressed as we wanted to go out for some drinks. We left at 8 and took a taxi to la Punta. Taxis are actually quite cheap here as well which is quite good because as soon as it gets dark one shouldn't go out anymore. I mean, everyone knows the sayings about Mexico... quite dangerous etc. etc...and well if you don't follow the rules it can get quite dangerous yeah. For example there were three girls who went out to a concert at night and they had to wait for a taxi for ages so they decided to walk, which you really should NOT do... And they got mugged. Three men tackled them down and stole there bags. Luckily they only stole something... you never know...But normally if one follows the rules to take a taxi this shouldn't happen. So yeah i took a taxi to la Punta, and leo, an other girl, she is also quite nice and very funny, lena my roommate, and maren joined me. We had to drive there for about 15 minutes. There are lots of nice restaurants and also the surfschool. So we had some cocktails and the best brownie ever!!! And talked a lot. It was so funny because we discussed so many topics and I realised that I had missed talking to people in my age haha. In Nepal there were always only all the little kids...
We decided to drive back at 12 because we had school tomorrow and well, I still felt quite tired... 

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