Mexico- just 2 normal days

In the next morning I could hardly get out of the bed... But yess I had to..  Spanish lesson was calling. Today I couldn't concentrate at all!! I was just way too tired and just wanted to go back to bed...
In the big lunch break I had a salsa lesson and it was so much fun! First we had to learn the basics on our owns and then we danced in pairs. I had to dance with a guy who was from Wasserburg and at the beginning he was a little bit uncoordinated haha. But in the end it worked quite well and it was very funny.
Afterwards we had Spanish again and we had to write a dialogue about going to a doctor... It was soo exhausting and i just couldn't wait until the lesson was over!!
Today I tried to change some of my money into pesos. I went to the place which actually was a little shop and everything was quite weird. And the man gave me 20 pesos for one euro. I changed 200 euros and when I left the shop I was so scared that someone would steal the money so I put it into my bra and went as fast as I could back to the school.
Afterwards I  relaxed a little bit, went to the supermarket, cooked some food and relaxed again. At 5.30 me maren and Chris drove to la Punta because apparently they released baby turtles there..  But we couldn't really find the place so we missed it ... still i went swimming which was my first time here in Mexico and of course we had an awesome sunset again. The water is quite warm even if it's winter so it was very nice. Then we quickly went to the surf school because we wanted to join a surftrip from Friday till Sunday and needed some more information. Chris jogged home and maren and me took the taxi. After this I cooked some dinner, well basically I ate some bread and cheese and then I went to bed

In the next morning (30.11.17) I woke up at 8 again and came too late to the lessons... But nobody really cared.  Today I felt so tired and unmotivated for everything... I was so happy when lessons were over even if the second part was quite fun because we played scrable for an hour again. But I really have the feeling that I learn something. Not because I sit down in the afternoon and revise all the vocabulary but just because we are writing and talking so much. In  the Lunch break we did the coconut necklaces again.

The rest of the day I just spent in bed haha.
At eight we went to the gym to join a zumba lesson. It was sooo exhausting!!! As it is quite hot here I even sweated while just sitting on the floor and when it came to dancing and jumping I felt like melting. But it just felt so good to  do some sport and it wasn't expansive as well. I payed less than one euro. So yeah it was quite fun and almost all of the girls from the school joined it. After it we bought some drinks and I went directly showering and to sleep

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