Mexico- Surf Trip 1.-3.

On friday (1.12.17) it was the last day of school for the week and it went passed actually quite quickly. In the lunch break we had cooking lessons and cooked a corn dough something... I have no idea how it is called... it was dough made out of corn and then we filled it with avocado, onions, cheese and salsa. It was quite easy to cook but tasted very good.

After school I quickly packed my things because I had decided to go on a surf trip. They wanted to pick us up from school at 4 so we quickly went to the supermarket to buy some snacks and beer. When we came back they were already waiting for us even if it was only 3.35 pm haha. I think it was the first time that Mexican people arrived in time. Normally they are always late. So we had to hurry and get on the bus quickly. We drove to la Punta to the surf camp and picked up the other people as well, as well as all of the food and stuff we needed to take with us. As it was only a bus for twelve persons there was hardly any space left with all the things and it was quite narrow. Then we had to drive for 3 hours. At first there was still light but when it became dark I didn't feel that safe anymore. Even if there weren't lots of cars on the street and the street was quite good. . Our driver drove a little bit too fast and sometimes overtook others in curves and I felt just a bit frightened haha. We arrived at 7 pm and unpacked everything. We had rooms for three persons and two always needed to share one bed. Me, Maren and leo shared one room and I slept in one bed together with leo. In the evening we were divided into groups for cooking. It was my turn and we cooked fish, meat with rice and vegetables. The kitchen was quite small and a huge chaos which made everything a bit difficult. The knives also didn't really cut which was quite annoying. I think we cooked for 2h or more until everything was ready. The food actually tasted quite good and everyone was happy ( we all had been sooo hungry! ) . After eating we had to do the dishes ANNOYING!!! then we wanted to watch a surf movie but it was a documentation and I thought it was quite boring and as I was so tired I went to bed.

On Saturday we woke up at 7 to have breakfast. When I left the room I could finally see where we actually had arrived. It was such a beautiful place! The beach's name was playa mojon and our hotel was directly at the beach. Around us were no other houses and we had the beach all to ourselves.
For breakfast I had lots if fruits and cereal.

Then I had surfing lessons from 8 to 10. First they showed us what to do on the beach then we went into the water. We were three girls with two teachers which was quite good. We had to paddle out a bit then the surf instructor waited until a good wave was coming and pushed us and we just had to stand up. Of course we only took smaller waves at first. The first two times I fell into the water but then I could stand and surf and it was soooooo much fun. It was just very exhausting to go out into the water again and again and one really had to make sure that one wasn't hit by the board. The thing is, sometimes the waves do not really look big but still they have such a power and one shouldn't underestimate the sea... After 1.5h we stopped because all of us were so tired. One thing which was quite annoying was that I had forgotten to bring sportshorts or something like this with me ... to be honest it's a quite uncomfortable feeling to have a surf instructor behind you and you only wear a bikini short which always moves because of the water... and basically the guy always has a great view if your ass...

After surfing we lay down at the beach and in the pool of the hotel and just relaxed. Unluckily I realized that I had turned into a completely lobster after some hours because I had forgotten to put sun cream on my skin... I think I had never been as red before... well and it fucking hurt! 

At two we had lunch and then we had a little volleyball turnerment. Me and leo were the only ones who were able to play it so it was more or less just standing around haha. Some of the girls couldn't even touch the ball I mean that's not that difficult actually... so afterwards me and leo kept playing and it was quite fun because I hadn't played for ages.

When the sun was about to go down we walked along the beach and up a little hill. From there we had an awesome  Sunset and we took lots of pictures. By the way... because I had mentioned that we had bought beer. The others drunk alcohol all the time.. but I just couldn't haha. It was so hot and I really didn't feel like drinking it so in the end I still had all of my beer...
Well we spent some time at the hill and enjoyed the sunset. 

When the sun was gone we walked back to our hotel and made dinner. This time we had potatoes, pasta from lunch, salad and guacamole. All of it tasted quite good again. Afterward we played beer pong and one of the guys played guitar. Then I went to my room, took a shower and lay down in bed and felt so tired again. Even if I hadn't done a lot today I was so tired!! The others made a little fire at the beach but I just didn't feel like joining anymore and fell asleep.

On Sunday, our last day, I got up a bit later because we had surfing lessons at 11. So I had breakfast at 8.30 and just relaxed a bit. And of course, this time I put sun cream on my whole body!😂 today we went to an other part of the beach because the waves were quite high. They also gave me an other board which was much more smaller and I was really scared of it haha. But it was no problem ! Actually it was even more fun and even if the waves were bigger today I actually never felt down of the board. Maren got hit by the board on the lip and stopped after 5 minutes and an other girl stopped quite fast as well so in the end me and leo had our own surf instructors which was perfect. This time we also surfed for the whole two hours and I just didn't want to stop because it was so great!.
When we took the last wave and I arrived at the beach suddenly a fish jumped on my board haha. It was about 10 cm big and I was so shocked that I just screams haha. So the fish was lying on my board until the next wave washed it away. This was so funny 🤣

After surfing we cooked some food again, relaxed, enjoyed the beach and sea, packed and left at 5 pm back to Puerto Escondido. The drive back was the same as to playa mojon... quite scary and I was happy when I finally arrived in the school. I showered and fell into my bed. 

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