Mexico- first surflesson in La punta

Today 6.12.17 school was quite ok. To be honest it is getting more and more difficult… We learn new tenses or grammar things every day and its quite hard to always remember everything. But as we talk and exercise a lot I have the feeling that my Spanish is getting better and better and actually I can remember the grammar quite well. In the big lunchbreak I had Salsaclass again and this time I danced with someone from Switzerland and he was quite good so it was fun!!After the lunchbreak I was so not in the mood for Spanish anymore and was quite tired. The lessons in the afternoon always feel like ages….When Spanish was finished I had half an hour to get ready because then I had a surfing lesson in La Punta. I was sooo hungry and wanted to cook some pasta but when the water was finally cooking I had to leave… so unluckily I couldn’t eat anything



Then I drove with the schoolbus to La Punta. By the way somehow its quite hot now… Everyday it is about 30-32 degrees… and I always feel like melting. AND an other very annoying thing are all the mosquitos… I have soooo many bites and they are itching like hell!!!

When I arrived in La punta I bought some fruits and cookies as I needed something to eat. Then we went to the surf camp and the others were already waiting for us (we= me and two girls from the school). We changed and put on our swimmingshirts from experiencia. I always wear my sportsshorts now as well because I just feel more comfortable.

 Then everyone had to get a board and we started to walk to the beach. We had to walk for about 10-12minutes and as it was quite hot and one has to carry the board on the head which somehow feels quite heavy after a while, it was very exhausting.

 I think it was the first time that I was surfing in La Punta and when we arrived there I already realized that there were a lot of people… Everyone got a board and we started to paddle out. This wasn’t that easy at first because the waves were quite big. One had to paddle about 200 metres and then wait for further instructions. There were 4 surfinstructors and one student after an other had to paddle to one of them and then we had to wait for a wave. If one was coming the instructor told us to get ready and paddle and then he pushed us and we just had to stand up. In my opinion standing up is not that difficult. I think I managed to do it every time except of one or two times. Sometimes it is just annoying that we had to wait a long time for a good wave. AND one thing which is bothering me, is that there are so many people and im actually quite scared to be hit by an other person or that im gonna hurt someone. But it was a lot of fun and after two hours I was quite exhausted but happy. Ahh and there were a lot of jellyfishes. But just little little little ones so it was no problem and I could hardly feel them.

 After surfing I had to wait ages for the shuttle bus back to the school and I arrived there at 7 o clock. Back in my room I quickly had to get ready because we wanted to go to the openair cinema. So I showered, put some makeup on, got dressed and me and Leo drove back to La Punta. The cinema was at the bar salsa Negra and before it started we ordered some Pizza and lasagne. The movie was a surfermovie and about a girl who wanted to be successful and had the dream of becoming a surferstar. The pizza and the lasagne were amazing!! But the movie wasn’t .. It was quite old and of course there were nice surfing things depicted but the story was a bit of a cliché and I enjoyed my food and the stars more. Still it was a nice atmosphere and I was happy that I had gone there.

After the movie we took a taxi back to the school and I immediately fell asleep.

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