Mexico- Merry early Christmas

Friday the 15.12.17... when the bell rang at 8 i really did not want to get out of the bed... the first Spanish lessons felt like ages and in the lunch break I directly went into my room after breakfast. Actually I had a cooking class but tbh I didn't really care haha.
Today Josh and me were going out for one year so I talked a bit to him and it was quite nice because we actually didn't have any fights yeiii... somehow we have them quite often which is really exhausting but I think this is just due to the distance... sometimes I wish we could finally see each other again and at the same time I don't want the time in Puerto to be over. In the lunch break I realized that I had forgotten to download some pictures for my presentation and I quickly did this as well.
Well then  we had conversation lesson and we had to present our topics. It was actually quite interesting also because I'm planning to travel through Mexico for a month together with Josh and there were a lot of interesting places which I really want to see.
My presentation was about baja California. It's also going to be the first part of our roadtrip through Mexico and therefore I thought it would be clever to inform myself a little bit. We had to talk about the location, numbers of people living there, local food and drink, local dress and dance, animals living there and nice places which one should visit.
In total my Spanish wasn't the best and it i didnt speak fluently but still fine and I actually had found nice pictures to show.


When school had finished I went to my room and just relaxed, talked with josh and planned a bit for the next months.. At 5 I got ready because today we celebrated Christmas in school which started at 6. Actually everyone was supposed to bring something to eat with them but I absolutely forgot about this.. haha. And I was not the only one.. luckily. 

We had a little buffe with mexican food and Punsch and everything tasted very good. There were a lot of people. All the students, the teachers, family members and coordinators. The kids of one of the teachers performed a little bit and sang and they were soo good and it was so cute to watch them. After this 3 groups also performed and sang some songs. The old people from Colorado also did and it was so funny. They sang jingle bells but suddenly changed the lyrics to rattlesnake and brought out plastic snakes haha. In the end they also won the competition. Mona who has a phobia of snakes didnt really thought it was funny and was rather scared haha.

Then we played a game I always played on my bdays when I was little. There were sweets stickt to a string and one had to eat them without using the hand.. Actually it was for the little kids but in the end I just tried it as well haha. And I actually made it..

And then the highlight of the night came. Pinatas!!! I didnt tried it because my belly was hurting so much but it was sssoooo much fun to watch it haha. The kids were allowed to try it while seeing something but the older ones got a eye cover and added to this they were turned around several times before starting. And then all the people around started singing a song :

Dale, dale, dale. No pierdas el tino. Porque si lo pierdes. Pierdes el camino. Ya le diste una. Ya le diste dos. Ya le diste tres. Y tu tiempo se acaba.

Hit it, hit it, hit it. Dont lose your aim. Because if you lose it. You lose the way. You hit it once. You hit it twice. You hit it three times. And your time is up.

and the person who was playing started trying to find and hit the pinata until the song was over. It was sosososo funny haha!! Sometimes people were running in the complete different direction and I was actually scared to be hit. It always took at least 8 people until the pinata was crashed and fell down and of course all the little kids immediately started running towards it and collected the sweets. Its such a nice and funny tradition!! I really liked it.

Then everyone got candles and we started singing a mexican Christmas song divided into 2 groups... But to be honest I didnt really understand the meaning of the song and how it was supposed to work haha. But still it was a nice atmosphere.  In the end people were dancing and we got a package full of mexican sweets.

When the official Xmas party was over, we decided to go to one of the clubs in Zicatela. Basically there is actually only one called Kabbalah and one called Bar Fly. But of course one can also find lots of nice beach bars/clubs. Marens host brother and a friend of him also joined us and bought some beer. So we started drinking and chilling for one and a half hours in the school. Then we decided to drive to Zicatela around 12 o clock. We always take the taxi which costs about 35 pesos = 1.70 euros and so this is quite cheap for us. When we arrived there I was qactually a bit surprised. I had never been there before and I expected something else somehow. The club wasnt that big and basically opened. Which means it was more or less outdoor as it didnt have any walls but only some wooden constructions (its a bit difficult to explain it haha). Moreover it had an entrance to the beach where one could find nice sitting areas. The music was reggaeton and charts. We started dancing and it didnt take a minute until Bryan the host brother of Maren wanted to dance with me haha. Yeah I started dancing with him and it was quite funny because he is also a bit smaller than me haha. The only thing which was very annoying and which made me feel a bit uncomfortable was that he always pulled me quite close and wanted me to shake with the hips... actually exactly how i imagined Mexican boys to be haha. I also told him that i had a boyfriend but he didnt care. He started trying to kiss me all the fucking time and it was sososososos annoying!! But as soon as I went away and tried to avoid him, there were at least 2 other Mexicans coming who touched me or tried to dance with me and I only thought "how disgusting and annoying!" so in the end I danced with Bryan again... I mean at least he wasnt a stranger for me anymore and I was able to avoid the other touchy Mexican boys and men (yeah even 40 year olds tried it... WÄÄÄÄÄH!) So yeah in the end all of it was a bit exhausting but funny at the same time and I experienced an other way of partying haha. One thing i forgit to mention... a guy tried to kiss maren.. but she didnt want to be kissed and turned her head.. so the guy just bit her into her shoulder haha🤣

I think at 3.20am we left the club and drove back to the school. there one always has to ring a big bell so the night guard opens the door. Luckily he heard us after the first time of ringing and let us in. Then I basically immediately fell asleep.

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