Mexico- First turtle release

Monday, the 4th. Today I started my second week of Spanish course. In the first two lessons we still had the same teacher. New people had also arrived so now we were five people in the class. The new students were old people from Colorado but they'll only stay for two weeks. For the next weeks we also got a new book. For the first one we didn't have to pay but for the next one if we wanted to keep it and write into it we had to pay 10 euros. I think this is quite annoying because I already paid a lot for the Spanish course so why shouldn't the book be included. Also because I had only one week out of the other book... So this really annoyed me. An other thing which also annoyed me (I don't know if I have already mentioned it..) is that the stuff members or the girls just take things which don't belong to them. For example suddenly my plate was gone or my bowl was standing in the kitchen quite dirty... This really annoys me. I don't like other people to just take my stuff without asking and not putting it back. I think this is just quite mean. But well, I think I should get used to it. Spanish today was quite exhausting because I was still tired of the weekend. But at the same time it went by quite fast. In the big lunch break I went to the supermarket and bought some cookies . Here they have so many cookies and all of them taste sooo good!!! At 12 we had a new teacher. The man was quite nice as well and we had to talk a lot and write a biography. After school I tried to upload my blog but to be honest it's quite difficult because the Wi-Fi here either doesn't work or is too bad so I can't upload it.. then I went to the laundry. It's down the street somewhere and one pays 1 euro for 1.5 kilo which is quite cheap.
At 4.30 we took the transport bus of the school to la Punta because today was a baby turtles release. First we went to the surf camp to get the other people and then we went through a cactus forest to a very nice hotel.

 There, eight were allowed to go with the rancher, the others had to go back and walk along the beach..  I joined the rancher team haha. So we walked through the hotel until we reached a part of the beach where no other people were. 

There was the turtle camp. All of the turtles were in a little cage and wanted to go to the water. There were two species. One specie was darker and there were only three of them. Apparently it was the biggest turtle of the world. And then an other species which looked grey. I think these were just the normal turtles and there were a lot of them. I actually felt a bit sorry for them and couldn't wait to let them into the sea. But they were so cute !!! 

 When everyone had arrived at the turtle camp the rancher put all of them into a bowl and we went to the sea. It was so beautiful! The sun was going down, the turtles tried to run into the sea... It looked just breathtaking and was so cute. I felt so blessed that I was able to see something like this. 

When the turtles had reached the sea we walked back to la Punta along the beach. We had to pass a little cage and got quite wet as the waves were high.
Then we searched for a restaurant. We passed a little shop which sold lots if different forms and handmade cookies. Of course I couldn't resist and bought some. They tasted so delicious !!! Then we went to a restaurant and had some burritos which were quite yummi as well. Afterwards we went into a restaurant called "lichees" because they had the best chocolate cake ever. And yeah it tasted fantastic!! Actually we wanted to go to a zumba lesson in the evening but we felt so full and couldn't really move anymore so we just took a taxi back to the school and went to bed. 

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